The Creative Righters Journal


In the Mirror

By: Anonymous, Age 11

You, the monster that ruined my life

You find enjoyment in the tears in my eyes

You’re cruelty is daggers that cut through my soul

And the lives taken mean nothing to you

You despicable, evil, monster at heart

But, when I look in the mirror there’s no difference at all

photo of man standing in cave surrounded by water
photo of man standing in cave surrounded by water

Ocean Bed

By: Tyler W., Age 11

One small speck

Lie in the trillions

Yellow and glittering

Drifting in it’s bed

Tucking in with it’s brothers and sisters

Trillions in all

As the water lifts them up

And pulls them down

Nesteling snuggling sleeping

Cool as it falls

Soft ocean ripples above

Soothing it

As it falls into


Kainoa is Taking Too Long

By: Aaron G., Age 12

In the golden fields where laughter dances,
There stands young Aaron, yearning for chances,
To frolic and play in the sun's warm glow,
Yet Kainoa dallies, moving ever slow.

With eager eyes, Aaron waits in vain,
Impatient heart, longing to entertain,
His spirit bound by the chains of time,
As Kainoa's absence weaves its silent rhyme.

But in the end, beneath the azure sky,
Aaron learns patience, lets out a sigh,
For friendship's bond, though tested by wait,
Is strengthened by moments shared, not by fate.

tilt shift lens photography of flower field during sunset
tilt shift lens photography of flower field during sunset

My Mask

By: Ella T., Age 13

Black strings wrap to my ears all day,

Black mask that hides my face away.

Not germs, those are for grown-up fears,

This mask hides different children's tears.

Teacher drones on, math a blur,

The classmates whisper, "Look at her!"

Giggles echo, pointing eyes,

Why they laugh, their reasons hide.

Hidden too, beneath the black.

A shy smile, a crooked tooth.

Braces bright, a metal grin,

Not the face I want them looking at.

Maybe someday, my mask comes off,

To reveal the girl who coughs

And laughs at silly jokes,

And then you'll see just me.

person holding black mask
person holding black mask

Where I’m From: V.1

By: Eslyn P. , 11

I am from where the gulls sing their croaking tune,

Where the salty ocean breeze stings in my nose.

I am from where the sand dollars crunch under my feet

And the seaweed gets caught in my toes.

I am from where the ocean roars in my ears and the crashing waves make a beat

Where the washed up jellyfish assault my toes and my feet.

I am from where the SF cliffs conduct the falling sand,

Where the sea gently meets the land.

I am from where the sour bread is eaten in a day,

Where the sun shines less than the rain falls,

and the blue sky is always gray.

I am from where the pizza is warm in the oven,

And where the pasta takes my breath away.

I am from where fish in the pot is steaming so much it burns my face,

Where the vegetables are always soft and only sometimes good.

I am from where the people of all race come,

and take shelter from the wind and rain.

They come for food and water,

For sour bread and dough.

But I come for the sweet breads.

waves crashing through shore
waves crashing through shore

Dog, the Eleventh Zodiac

By: Claire Y.T., 12

A dog,

Is a friend,

A loyal companion,

A pet,

Born to be the great friend of man.

A beautiful gift from the wild.

But I am reduced to a husk of my former glory.

We used to be great wolves,

Caring for ourselves in packs,

No humans “taking care of us”,

Running through the woods,

Feel the wind bow to my paws,

As I fly like the birds soaring above me.

Tracks in the woods,

Showing all that came that we were here,

This was ours.

The pride in feeding our family,

The freedom wreathing us,

Our howls echoing through the night,


Don’t you miss who I once was?

The duality of man against and for us,

Oh how they have wronged our sacred blood.

What have they done to you, my pup?

They tell us how beautiful we are,

Our regal fur

And intense eyes.


As if

Flipping a coin

Rip my children from me

They cannot survive without my care,

I’m begging you.

Over and over again.

Until I finally bleed out something you deem “perfect”.

Oh, my darling.

They have warped you beyond recognition.

What is their perception of beauty?

Why are you chained to a fence in the bitter cold and freezing snow?

Why is no one looking out for you,

Protecting you?

Why are the only luxuries you are graced with,

A cold floor and strange and wrong things filling your mouth,

In the place of food that nourishes you?

It is because they have broken you.

My child,

You do not deserve this,

Despite what the voices tell you.

There was nothing you could possibly do that would justify this.

The only way out is through.

Find it in you to pick yourself up,

No matter how much your stomach aches

And how much your paws hurt.


Do it for your bloodline,

Possibilities trembling like your legs as you inch forward.

If not for yourself,

Do it for me.

If your lungs collapse and they find you,

That is okay.

I am proud that you were brave enough to try.

Even though they told you not to.

Close your eyes,

And sleep.

When you awake,

We will be reunited again.

In the wilderness where you belong,

As carnations,

Pink as a healing wound

And red as blood spilt upon snow,

Bloom atop a mound of earth

Where ferns will soon grow

As clovers surround you.

shallow focus photography of white shih tzu puppy running on the grass
shallow focus photography of white shih tzu puppy running on the grass

Where I'm From: V.2

By: Mason W., 11

I am from cheeseburgers that sizzle on the grill,

a tour for my taste buds with the umami of sushi,

and the smell of delectable dim sum.

I am from hobbies at home

to the rustle of leaves of the flowers I have tended to since they were seeds,

the trickling sound of a fish tank

where 9 fish weave through kelp as fast as lightning.

I am from watching our leaders make decisions for the world for better or worse,

I am from CAIS where our teacher Ms Long who helps us learn

to make a better world,

to help our city, to help our country, to help our world.

so we can make up for the past, help the present and look to the future.

burger patty being cooked
burger patty being cooked


By: Hugo C., 11


They’re THIEVES,

snatchers, scoundrels,


Their annoying


And don’t think about

Denying it

We all know

They’re saying in seagull


And I think we can all agree

They target the ones with bologna

That is why

You bring a carrot

And use it

To fend for yourself

By throwing it

At the seagulls!

two seagulls in the beach
two seagulls in the beach

The Taipei Zoo

By: Oliver K., 11

The Taipei Zoo

On a small island,

yet so big and so vast.

The Taipei Zoo

More animals than you can count,

377 species to be exact.

From big elephants to small rodents,

All making noises

From soft squeaks to loud roars,

The tortoises and turtles

were as slow as time when you feel bored,

lots and lots of animals from all over the world,

sections for birds, African animals,

Taiwan natives, pandas and more.

The Taipei Zoo.

Panda bear sitting on bamboo sticks surrounded with trees
Panda bear sitting on bamboo sticks surrounded with trees


By: Claire Y. T., Age 12

Why would you do this to me
I'm so vulnerable,
At your mercy
I put all my trust in you
And you took advantage of it
Of my love
My affection
My time
My care
I took you under my wing
Why would you do this to me
You took my biggest weakness
Behind my back
You let it
Scattered on the floor
And you put on an innocent face
And make others clean up your mess

I was tricked
I thought you cared for me dearly
Your stupid cute little face
You deceive everyone around you

After everything I’ve done for you
Why would you do this to me

And I know your excuses
“It was an accident”
“I was curious”
Well curiosity killed the cat, don’t you know?

And I know I'll come running
Right back to you
Forever and ever

I vowed to love you forever
This promise that bounds us together
Forever and ever
Til one of us meets our demise

Authors Note: This is about that one time my cat knocked over my monitor.

bombay cat beside white iMac
bombay cat beside white iMac