The Creative Righters Journal

Comedy & Jokes

School Jokes

By: Ethan L., 11

Why did the math book look sad?

He had too many problems to do!

Why did the student eat his homework?

The teacher said it was a piece of cake!

What do you call a teacher who never shaves?

Fuzzy arithmetic

Why did the kid bring a ladder to school?

Because he wanted to go to high school.

How do you make seven an even number?

Remove the “S.”

What’s the smartest shape?

A “circle,” because it’s well-rounded in every subject!

Why are fish considered the smartest animals?

Because they live in schools.

Why did the teacher bring a baseball bat to the homework party?

To hit a home run with those assignments!

Why did the teacher wear sunglasses to school?

Because her students were so bright.

Why did the teacher feel cool at school?

Because her students were fan-tastic.

E-mc2 written on chalkboard
E-mc2 written on chalkboard

Did You Know My Dog Can Talk?

By: William M., 12

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Squarepants Spongebob

By: Claire Y.T., 12

Who lives in an apple the size of your knee???

Squarepants spongebob!

Your brain is three times larger than a cat's.

Squarepants sponge

If you fall off a skyscraper your head will go splat.

Squarepants spongebob

a spongebob box sitting on the side of a building
a spongebob box sitting on the side of a building

Jokes By Kids For Kids

By: Shania B., 10

Where do pirates like to eat sandwiches?

Argh- Bees.

What did the pirate say on his 80th birthday?

Aye Matey.

What do you call a grizzly bear with no teeth?

A Gummy Bear.

Why was Cinderella so bad at sports?

Because her coach was a pumpkin.

What do you call a fish with no eyes?


What did the Judge say when the skunk walked into the courtroom?

Odor in the court!

white and black playing card
white and black playing card

The Best Riddles

By: Lolo S., 8

What is black and white, black and white and black and white?

Lots and lots of penguins.

It’s the beginning of start and space,
But never the end of finish
It happens twice in sensation
Once in sing and song
What am I?

The Letter "S"!

One night, a king and queen go into a castle.

No one was in the castle and no one came out of the castle.

The next day, three people came out of the castle.

Who were they?

The King, the Queen, and the Knight.

What has 4 legs, 1 head and 1 foot?

A Bed.

What starts with a "P" and ends with an "E" and has thousands of letters?

A Post Office.

What do you take but leave more behind?


person wearing white shoes
person wearing white shoes

Jokes About Animals

By: Bella A., 9

What is a detective alligator who wears a vest?

An Invest- I - Gator.

Where do sheep go for a haircut?

To the Baaa - Baaa Shop.

What did Mommy Buffalo say to her son when he went to school?


What has four legs, is grey and has a trunk?

No not an elephant. A mouse who is going on vacation.

What did the duck say to the storeowner?

Put it on my bill.

Why don't mice take ballet classes?

Because they are tutu small.

people walking on street during night time
people walking on street during night time

Funny Fruit

By: Liz M., 11

What is a ghost's favorite fruit?


What is a vampire's favorite fruit?

A Neck-Tarine.

What happens when you sit on a grape?

It gives a little wine.

Did you hear the joke about the peach?

Yes, it was pit-iful.

Why were the strawberries so upset?

Because they were in a jam.

What key do you use to open a banana?

A Mon-Key.

assorted fruits
assorted fruits

Funny Math

By: Alex R., 12

What did the Triangle say to the Circle?

You are pointless.

Why did the Geometry teacher come to class late?

She sprained her angle.

Why should you never argue with a 90 Degree angle?

Because they are always right.

Which knight created the round table?

Sir Comference.

What are a swimmer's favorite kind of math?


What king loved fractions?

Henry the 8th.

a black and white photo of a number of calculations
a black and white photo of a number of calculations

Funniest Jokes

By: Kelly B., 10

What did the clam do on his birthday?

He shell-a-brates.

What did baby corn say to the mommy corn?

I miss pop corn.

What has a head and a tail, but no body?

A coin.

What did the right eye say to the left eye?

Something between us smells.

What do elves learn in school?

The Elf-abet.

Why was the computer cold?

It left a window open.

black and gold quote wall decor
black and gold quote wall decor

I Will Make You Laugh

By: Jayson R., 8

Who do you think you are?

I'm Batman.

What do you get when you cross a T-Rex and a Chicken?

Nothing but death.

A Cat Crossed the Road...

I don't have anything else to say.

Why did the golfer wear two pants?

Because he got a hole in one.

person in white shoes standing on gray concrete road
person in white shoes standing on gray concrete road

My Best Jokes

By: Aria P., 9

What do cows call the cinema?

The Moo-vie App thingy called Moo-Flix.

Why did the old man fall in the well?

He actually saw that well, but he's just clumsy like that.

What do you call a real noodle?

An Anti-Impasta.

What's red and smells like blue paint?

Actually, Red Paint.

Why didn't the skeleton go to school?

His heart wasn't into it.

brown and white cow on green grass field during daytime
brown and white cow on green grass field during daytime

Sussy Jokes

By: Caleb T., 10

What did the plate say to the other spoon?

Dinner is on me. Literally, it's on my back. Life is hard.

Why do hummingbirds hum?

Because they don't remember the words and are pretending they

know the song. It's pretty cringe.

What do sprinters eat before a race?

Nothing. They fast. I mean really fast. Literally.

What kind of socks do grizzlies wear?

None. They have bear feet. I mean literally - bear toes and bear feet.

What is a cat's favorite dessert?

Chocolate Mouse.

a number of hot air balloons flying in the sky
a number of hot air balloons flying in the sky

The Hardest Test

You Will Ever Take

By: Brice T., 13

No. 1: What letter in the alphabet has the most water?

The letter "C".

No. 2: What month of the year has 28 days?

All of them do. Duh.

No. 3: If you don't keep me, I'll break. What am I?

A Promise. Don't break them.

No. 4: I fill up a room, but take no space. What am I?


No. 5: Where will you find Friday before Thursday?

A dictionary.


5 out of 5 = A+

4 out of 5 and below = F-

Study Harder Kids and Stay in School.

black retractable pen on white printer paper
black retractable pen on white printer paper

Comedy Central

By: Annie P., 12

Funny Things Kids Said In My Class:

During the Christmas classroom party, a boy comes up to our teacher with a gift bag. The bag looks worn, like it was handed over to many people, again and again.

The boy says: “Here teacher…my mom got this present and she didn’t want it and she called everyone in our family and they didn’t want it either, so she said to just bring it to school and give it to you.”Home Articles Hilarious kid stories

In the First Grade, we had big carpets showing all of the world's continents on them. My friend Andy got very sick on day and threw up all over the school carpet. When his dad came to pick him up, Andre said to his dad, “Daddy, I threw up all over North America AND South America!

Another time we had been talking about healthy eating and our bodies and one boy raised his hand and said, “If you look at your arms you can see the VINES inside your body.

You hear the craziest things at school.

vacant white painted classroom with chairs, tables , and map on the wall
vacant white painted classroom with chairs, tables , and map on the wall

The 2nd Hardest Test You Will Ever Take

By: Brice T., 13

No. 1: What kind of tree can you hold in your hand?

A Palm Tree.

No. 2: What loses a head in the morning but gets it back at night?

A Pillow.

No. 3: Who has 88 teeth but never brushes them?

A Piano.

No. 4: Why did the football coach got to the bank?

He wanted his quarterback.

No. 5: What is used by others, but only belongs to you?

Your Name.


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4 out of 5 and below = F-

Study Harder Kids and Stay in School.

person writing on white paper
person writing on white paper