Creative Righters, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that gives young artists and writers (kids ages 5-16) a safe place to develop their art and writing skills. We teach kids how to tell stories and publish their works for the world to see.

Find Your Voice.

Tell Your Story.

Change The World.


1. Help Kids Find Their Voice Through Creative Writing and Art.

2. Provide a Safe Place for Kids to Publish Their Works and Tell Their Story.

3. Show Kids How Powerful Their Voice Can Be. It Can Change The World.

4. Teach Reading, Writing, and Artistic Skills to All Children.

Lottie's Story

Hi, I'm Lottie, and I'm a kid just like you.

I started Creative Righters, Inc. because I wanted to encourage kids of all ages to practice their writing and art skills, so that they can find their voices and tell their stories to the world.

The idea for Creative Righters first came to me when I was Editor of my school's newspaper in the 5th Grade.  Back then, I asked all my classmates to write articles for the newspaper. I thought they would like the chance to write stories and be published!  But, I was so wrong. 

All of the kids I asked were too shy to share their writing with the school.  They told me that their "writing sucked" and that "writing was too hard and boring."  Many were afraid the other kids would make fun of them.  There was a problem.  The kids didn't feel confident about their writing skills and were afraid to even try. 

I didn't give up though. I kept asking.  I bribed classmates with candy.  Eventually, a few agreed to write with me. Then, a few more. Slowly, the students began submitting their writing to the newspaper. When we published their articles and the kids saw their stories in the school paper, they would smile with pride.  They couldn't wait to go home and share the latest edition with their parents.  That's when I learned that kids actually do love writing and storytelling - if you give them the confidence, the tools and a safe place to publish their work.

I love telling stories with my writing and art.  But nothing felt better than helping other kids find the confidence to tell their own stories.

After I left elementary school,  I wanted to keep helping kids find their confidence to tell stories, but I wanted to work with kids everywhere, not just at my old school.  And that is how Creative Righters was born.  I wanted to make an online journal where kids all over the world can practice their storytelling skills and publish their words for the world to see. 

Creative Writing is using words to tell stories in beautiful ways.  Creative Righting, is a little bit different. We include more than just words. We include picture storytelling and art.  We also want to use our storytelling skills to find a way to make the world right.  We want to give voices to those who have been quiet for too long.  We want to tell stories that many never get to hear.  We want to give those with no voice - a safe place to finally be heard.  Welcome to Creative Righters!