Find Your Voice.

Tell Your Story.
Change The World.

Creative Righters is a non-profit organization that teaches and encourages kids to write and make art. We help kids develop their storytelling skills and publish works from these young storytellers (ages 5-16) on our ONLINE Journal & Gallery.

Over 200 Young Storytellers Published and Counting!


Each week, we feature one work of art & writing.

Check out this week's artist spotlight:

"Delusions - Inspired By Richard Mayhew" By: Isaac R., Age: 6


"The Tree"

By: Kaia A., Age: 12

One day, she noticed that the tree had lost its sparkle, its leaves withered, and its vibrance faded. Determined to restore its former greatness, She came and visited it daily. She did everything in her power to revive it, regardless of the weather. Through storms, blizzards, and gusting winds, Taylor made it to the rusty shop. She would talk to the tree, make up stories for it, and even sing beautiful songs, in hopes of bringing the poor tree back to life.

* Read more of Kaia's story in the Flash Fiction Section of the The Creative Righter's Journal (Flash Fiction).

wilted tree during daytime
wilted tree during daytime